Sunday, September 21, 2008

Colourisation Effects

So in music videos, the colours are often distorted and adjuted in post, i have been applying different colourisation effects in After FX to a clip from prison break. Our video may benefit greatly from doing something along the lines of this, and if we used different shot angles, or certiain performance shots with different colourised effects it could seriously enhance the editing. It could be done on the beat etc. I know liam has been thinking of shooting in nightvision and cutting to normal shoot mode. The first effect is day to night. There is a better one that i will post in a bit. I am thinking that it may be worth experimenting with the colour correction i have tested, in our video, and not just leave it at b & W as at present. I will get some of our performance footage and apply these effects to it, so we can see if it is worth while. This is the clip below.
Also worth noting, after i watched this back is how the changes in colours, saturation etc really can create a different ambience and mood. Using colourisation methods such as this may enhance the disturbed persona we are creating for the protagonist in our video.

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